My New Chapter & New Opportunities. . . . .

After 20 Years with Close To My Heart, I was heart broken when the announcement came to tell us that due to health reasons Jeanette was closing the company.

I've had such an amazing time with the company . . . .  I've travelled the world with CTMH, to places such as Australia & New Zealand, Thailand, Hawaii, Bali, and the Caribbean. 

I've been able to pay for my children to participate in Marching Band and take music lessons.

I've chosen when, and if, I want to work depending on my family's schedule ~ and i've earned money doing it.

I've made friends with team members & customers alike, some of whom, have become as close to me as my family.

When we had the announcement that Stamping Up were taking over from CTMH, the decision to Be come an SU demonstrator was an easy one to make. The fact that they are carrying forward our upcoming CTMH paper suites, the additional training and support, and the fact that the friends I had made through my love of paper-crafting were coming with me made it an even easier decision.

I am SO excited to see where this change leads me and if you would like to join me and my growing team on our new journey AND get additional bonus products for free during May only - Click HERE and we can 'play' together

Love Sara xxx


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